Monday, July 30, 2012

It hath started

So I had my fingers crossed about the whole morning sickness deal skipping out on my wife's pregnancy as she already gets car sick, motion sick and whatever other queasy, nauseous feelings are out there.  No such luck. 

As I've said before, she's had occasional feelings of bloating, sick, and headaches, but this weekend was a new evolution. She felt sick the entire weekend and I had to pull over twice on the 4 hour drive home because she thought she was going to projectile vomit on my dashboard.  At one point, I was asking her if she could fit the vomit in a Burger King cup because I didn't want to pull over in the middle of nowhere. There never was any vomit, but some crying did follow before she finally crawled into the back seat and curled up in the fetal position to sleep. 

I'm terrified that its going to be like this every day the rest of the way. I've read in three different places that that is possible, and that would be my luck.  

Making things even more fun was the fact that I kept having issues with my car during the drive, a plastic runner under the engine had come loose and was dragging on the freeway before eventually snapping off.  But a small piece remained, and would drag anytime we hit a dip in the road or changed lanes.  That 60K tune up just got $200 more expensive, guaranteed.  I'll drop a grand on this trip to the mechanic, no doubt about it.  Oh well.

The wedding was great, by the way.  Lots of fun, Alicia looked great and I had a great time with her friends' husbands.  It's always a little dicey when you are forced into situations with with your wife's friends' husbands or significant others, but I'm really fortunate that this particular group of guys is a lot of fun to be around. 

I'm just laughing to myself because one of my wife's friends is an absolute disaster, every time there's an event with alcohol - she's that sloppy train-wreck that is doing something inappropriate and out of control.  Funny but at the same time, tragic.  The girl who got married wrote Train Wreck an email after my wife's bachelor party because she was such a shitastrophe the entire time.  So how did she respond?  By passing out in a chair outside the wedding and disappearing most of the night.  My last vision of her was being carried by two groomsmen down the street.  The told us at breakfast yesterday she'd be "having a talk with herself".

By the way - we escaped the entire weekend without anyone guessing Wife was pregnant.  I did head off some drinks with sprites dressed up like cocktails, and we had the waiter pour sparkling apple cider instead of champagne, but it actually wasn't that hard.  

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