Thursday, July 26, 2012

Road Trip!

I didn't post yesterday because I had a horrible stomach ache and decided to head home, as it was a slow day at work.  The fact that I also got a haircut, went to crossfit, picked up my dry cleaning and took the dogs for a walk before I'd usually get home was just a bonus.  What? I felt better!

Some meathead in the middle of the metcon last night pointed to me, like he wanted to go head to head or something.  WTF?  Who does that?  People get super competitive at crossfit, which can be good because it pushes you beyond what you think you are capable of, but that's a little ridiculous.  Besides, I was silently racing the two guys next to me and whooping them, you can't be tardy to the party like that.

So not much on the baby front.  Wife (I need an Alias for her to protect the identity of the innocent) is doing well, she claims she's starting to feel nauseous in the mornings but its hard to tell if it is because of the pregnancy or not - she gets car and motion sick at the drop of a hat anyway.  She used to drink a lot of coffee and Coke (switched to decaf) so she's been getting some headaches in the morning as well.  She took some tylonel the other day for it, so naturally the book I'm reading covered the uptick in the possibility of miscarriage if someone takes ibuprofen or aspirin during pregnancy.  Whatever, I'm sure one time isn't the end of the world.

I drove into work this morning because we're heading down to the Central Coast for a wedding this weekend right after work.  Wife is in the wedding, so its going to be strange to be sitting and milling about on my own.  There was also some discussion on what I'd wear to the rehearsal dinner, because I honestly could care less and was planning on showing up in a button down shirt and jeans (invitation said casual).  There just seems to be more important things to worry about right now, know what I'm sayin'?

Wife is not a big drinker, so it'll be interesting to see if she gets cornered about drinking this weekend and how she deals with it.  I have a feeling she'll be fine, but we'll see how it goes. I kind of like it being our secret, so it would kind of suck to get the cover blown off by some friends before we even get to tell our families.  Oh well, in 7.5 months, it wouldn't matter any way.

Oh, and tomorrow is beach day and the forecast in for 63 degrees.  I went to school in San Diego, so I was thinking I might surf a little bit - but forget it if it is going to be that cold.  I've been reading too much about sharks lately any way... 

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