Friday, September 28, 2012

In a gold lame speedo, so everyone will know!

Lols, the title for today's post was inspired by the Fed Ex driver that used to visit our office at my last place of business.  He asked where one of the guys I worked with once, and when I responded that he was on vacation in Hawaii, the driver said, " Rolling around in the sand, so everyone will know!"  It was such a random response that I still find it hilarious to this day. 

I was just thinking about the babymoon concept yesterday while I was throwing the ball for my dogs in the backyard.  Wife had been hinting about wanting to do something recently and I was just thinking through options.  The problem is, to be honest, we just got married in June, need to buy a bunch of things for the baby and money doesn't grow on trees.  I hate stressing out about money, because there's not a whole lot I can to have a positive effect on the bottom line.  I hardly ever splurge and just buy things for myself, but seem to barely keep up any way.  I just sent in over $300 in bills yesterday, and Wife wants to buy an $800 stroller this weekend.  God, I hope I get a good bonus this year. 

Anyway, enough about that, worrying about money makes everyone uncomfortable, and is boring to read about.  That's not the kind of blog we're trying to be!

Not much new is going on with the Wife since her meltdown on Monday.  She's been eating more in the morning and it seems to be helping.  From what I've read, the baby is 4 inches long now and all the joints are working.  The legs are growing longer than the arms and the taste buds are developing.  Pretty cool stuff. 

Wife asked me last night if I'd told anybody, and the truth is that besides the guys I went camping with, I really haven't.  She made such a big deal about not telling people until she could tell her friends, and it just doesn't seem like the kind of news you should spread by text message.  It's kind of a shocking reminder about how little I see my friends.  Most of them have two kids and I guess their hands are just full all of the time.  I invited a few to lunch tomorrow, maybe some of them will be able to go so we can watch some college football, have some good few and a beer or two and I can tell them in person.  Not getting my hopes up though. 

So today is my little Cavalier King Charles's birthday!  I can't believe he's two today, it seems like he was just a tiny little gerbil scared of everything yesterday.  I love grilling and trying new things, so I'm going to see if I can get my local butcher to mix some ground beef with brisket after work today. Supposedly, that is the most ridiculous blend you can get for a hamburger, so I'll barbecue those up for Wife and I and then make some sliders for the dogs.  I try to do something like that for all the birthdays, I think we did steak for Lucy's last birthday. 

Here's a picture of the birthday boy with his toy giraffe!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Puke on the floor!

Ugh, I forget my last update so I'll just dive in.  Yesterday was a catastrophic day for those of us on vomit watch, as Wife almost feinted on BART and then ran out on the platform in Oakland and apparently tossed her cookies in front of a waiting train full of people.  At this point, she called her parents in tears (her father later told me he thought she was being abducted) and had them come pick her up.  She slept for the rest of the morning at her parents and then her mom made her a grilled cheese sandwich while she waited around for me to come pick her up after work.

Oh, did she have on her wrist bands, take the anti-nausea medicine the doctor prescribed or have a ginger candy to suck on?  Nope.  I think that is probably the perfect man versus woman approach, she is telling me how awful she feels and I'm trying to fix it and it just pisses her off.

I guess a couple of people tried to help her on BART, which gives me some reassurance that there are some good people in the world.  But she's not big enough to be obviously pregnant yet, so the problem is she can't get a seat most days.  As a male BART traveler, I can tell you no one is giving up there seats to a hot blond with a little beer belly, she needs the full on basketball to get a seat and we're probably 2-3 months away from that.

I can't think of anything else that happened last weekend, other than we got a crib and went to look at strollers.  I wasn't involved in the crib purchase at all, so I can't tell you much about it other than it is white and sort of old school looking.  For the stroller, we were between the bugaboo and UpaBaby and took her BMW down to make sure they both fit in the trunk.  They did, so it looks like we are going to go with the UpaBaby based on price and the number of features it has (this was decided by me nodding my head).

Can I just say that I thought a stroller was just a fucking stroller?  You also need to buy the car seat, bassinet, infant seat, cup holder, blah, blah, blah.  I'm playing this status game, aren't I?  I can't stand keeping up with the Joneses BS, so I hope the stroller is the only thing that sniffs like it.  We were walking away from the store and she pointed out a couple on the opposite sidewalk with an Orbit, FML.

At this rate, I'll need a vodka bottle holder. Did anyone see this stuff?  Pretty cool, I want the baby monitor that integrates with the iPhone...

Friday, September 21, 2012

The big reveal

Not much going on here, wife has been feeling good and her luncheon to do the big reveal is tomorrow morning.  After that, it can be considered public knowledge.  Maybe she'll even reactivate her FB account!  LOLs. 

So I get some me time tonight and tomorrow morning to work out and watch some football.  Looking forward to it. 

I've never done a crossfit competition before because I do it to work out rather than allow it to consume me and become my lifestyle, but actually entered one in five weeks.  It is a fundraiser for breast cancer, which is an important cause to me, so I've decided to go for it.  I'm actually going to focus on the competition and use it as an incentive, and hopefully Wife will come down and cheer me on as she has done in the past.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Dr Visit #3

So last night was doctor visit #3 for Wife.  I actually sat this one out, because she couldn't remember why she booked it and let's be honest - there are way too many appointments if we are factoring in doctor, ultrasound and blood taking.  I can't make them all, and I personally have a hard time believing this many appointments is even medically necessary.  Yesterday, they weighed her (she hasn't gained a pound yet), had her pee in a cup and listened to the heart beat. 

We just had the ultrasound last Thursday where the technician measured the heart rate, so it's not like a whole lot can change in four or five days.  I mean it is great that she has someone monitoring her so closely, but it has got to be expensive.  We pick up the copay, but no wonder insurance costs so much. 

But I digress, back to the story.  The really nice thing was that Wife and I got to ride home together for once on BART, and then she went off to the appointment and I went over to crossfit.  I got a pretty solid workout in and checked my texts afterward and she still hadn't gotten in to see the doctor.  For the record, that is three visits with at least an hour wait to see the doctor each time.  For people who have to take off work and travel to see her, that's pretty outrageous. 

Any way, everything is going very well, have a good night all.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Didn't make it over to googley blogger yesterday because I took last Friday off and needed to catch up on work. 

The camping trip was great, we stay next to a beautiful river and fish and my buddy and I had bought all the food for the trip and made some pretty great meals.  The mountain biking was brutal, I rented a plush downhill bike and was definitely riding faster than my ability.  As a result, I fell about three times, one of which was probably the worst fall I've ever had.  I went over the handle bars and landed on my left forearm, and then rolled onto my back and skipped about 15 feet over jagged rocks on my back before slamming into a rock with my helmet. Yeah, it felt spectacular.  On another fall, I basically hit a log with my left shin and then slammed the bike frame against the other side of it with all my weight, it's a miracle I didn't just snap the bone but its pretty banged up. 

Oh well, I went into crossfit yesterday and gutted out a tough workout, so it felt good to get back in there. 

Wife wasn't feeling so well, she woke up yesterday morning and threw up and basically phoned it in for the rest of the day.  Not even pretend to work from home, just off the reservation style.  It's kind of the same story repeated daily, some days are better than others.  Allegedly, she should be feeling better soon as we move into the second trimester.  She has a doctor appointment this morning, so it will be interesting to see how that conversation goes.  Has she even picked up the prescription the doctor gave her last time for a combination vitamin b and ginger pill to fight nausea?  Nope.

We did go into see the ultrasound last week and they did some 3d imaging while we were there.  It was take your breath away cool, the technology they have now to do this stuff is absolutely incredible.  While we were watching the little baby was rocking out with two hands over his/her head and kicking away.  The doctor came in and pointed out the ten fingers, strong heart beating and brain developing in the head.  The measurements for the various chromosome issues were great too, it went really well.  I can't wait until that fear is behind us, it's just so heavy to think about.  Wife tried to pin me down last night on what we would do if something was wrong, I just didn't even want to go there until we have to.  I think I know in my heart, but Jesus. 

Nothing else new going on.  My in laws were over this weekend and moved a bunch of furniture around and then bought us a crib, which I'm extremely grateful for. 

Just got the morning text with an exclamation point, so she must be feeling stronger today.  It'll be interesting to see how her boss reacts to her bailing yesterday and then either leaving early or coming in late today - I'll keep you posted. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I'm starting this blogging thing off early today, been sick last week and busy at work so it is easy to forget to do it and then one day turns into another and voila - stale blog. 

I'm trying to think of what's new on the baby front.  Wife has been feeling marginally better, there's up days and down days.  And right as I typed that she texted me she's been throwing up this morning at home... So there you have it. 

We hit twelve weeks on Saturday, so that's the official time at which most of the miscarriage risk is gone and you can supposedly safely start telling a broader audience of people.  I really just told my brother, whose reaction, after telling me how great it was, went something like, "I don't know what's stranger; you being a parent or mom and dad being grandparents." His wife was great and sent a very sweet email to both the Wife and I.

Wife told two of her very close high school friends, but has organized a lunch for the weekend after next to tell her broader group of friends.  I think I mentioned it in an earlier post, but she's also frozen her Facebook account out of fear that someone will post something and suggested I do so as well.  Let me just interject right here to say how ridiculous all of this is.  First of all, the staggered schedule of telling people is beyond lame, and no guy has ever gone on another guy's facebook page and written something about a baby in the history of the internets.  Second of all, she is setting herself up for disappointment because as exciting as this news is to her and I and maybe her family, most of our friends have little kids of their own and have been to this rodeo over and over again.  I'm letting her run with it though, so she can enjoy the moment.

Oh, and it turns out that her good friend at work that is pregnant too, is half a week behind Wife.  I'm just picturing this luncheon with all of Wife's friend to do the big reveal and the friend blurting out, "I'm pregnant too!"  Wife might just choke her out at the table.  The good thing about the friend being pregnant is she's already called in sick about 5 or 6 times and is overly dramatic about the morning sickness, so Wife is realizing some of it is an attention thing and veering hard the other way. 

And she totally looks bigger and washed out!  Just kidding, I have no idea how she looks and wanted to complete my gossip update. 

Man things.  I'm going camping with three friends this weekend and have Friday off.  I'm looking forward to it, although I am dreading sleeping in a goddamn tent on the ground again. But mountain biking, fishing and drinking some beers with the boys should be good. 

How good is it to have the NFL back?  Thank god.  Also, Sons of Anarchy started again last night.   I was a little concerned because the last episode of last season was a little out there, but man it started off right.  Should be a fun season, and heavy on Trig - my favorite character.