Thursday, September 20, 2012

Dr Visit #3

So last night was doctor visit #3 for Wife.  I actually sat this one out, because she couldn't remember why she booked it and let's be honest - there are way too many appointments if we are factoring in doctor, ultrasound and blood taking.  I can't make them all, and I personally have a hard time believing this many appointments is even medically necessary.  Yesterday, they weighed her (she hasn't gained a pound yet), had her pee in a cup and listened to the heart beat. 

We just had the ultrasound last Thursday where the technician measured the heart rate, so it's not like a whole lot can change in four or five days.  I mean it is great that she has someone monitoring her so closely, but it has got to be expensive.  We pick up the copay, but no wonder insurance costs so much. 

But I digress, back to the story.  The really nice thing was that Wife and I got to ride home together for once on BART, and then she went off to the appointment and I went over to crossfit.  I got a pretty solid workout in and checked my texts afterward and she still hadn't gotten in to see the doctor.  For the record, that is three visits with at least an hour wait to see the doctor each time.  For people who have to take off work and travel to see her, that's pretty outrageous. 

Any way, everything is going very well, have a good night all.

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