Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Puke on the floor!

Ugh, I forget my last update so I'll just dive in.  Yesterday was a catastrophic day for those of us on vomit watch, as Wife almost feinted on BART and then ran out on the platform in Oakland and apparently tossed her cookies in front of a waiting train full of people.  At this point, she called her parents in tears (her father later told me he thought she was being abducted) and had them come pick her up.  She slept for the rest of the morning at her parents and then her mom made her a grilled cheese sandwich while she waited around for me to come pick her up after work.

Oh, did she have on her wrist bands, take the anti-nausea medicine the doctor prescribed or have a ginger candy to suck on?  Nope.  I think that is probably the perfect man versus woman approach, she is telling me how awful she feels and I'm trying to fix it and it just pisses her off.

I guess a couple of people tried to help her on BART, which gives me some reassurance that there are some good people in the world.  But she's not big enough to be obviously pregnant yet, so the problem is she can't get a seat most days.  As a male BART traveler, I can tell you no one is giving up there seats to a hot blond with a little beer belly, she needs the full on basketball to get a seat and we're probably 2-3 months away from that.

I can't think of anything else that happened last weekend, other than we got a crib and went to look at strollers.  I wasn't involved in the crib purchase at all, so I can't tell you much about it other than it is white and sort of old school looking.  For the stroller, we were between the bugaboo and UpaBaby and took her BMW down to make sure they both fit in the trunk.  They did, so it looks like we are going to go with the UpaBaby based on price and the number of features it has (this was decided by me nodding my head).

Can I just say that I thought a stroller was just a fucking stroller?  You also need to buy the car seat, bassinet, infant seat, cup holder, blah, blah, blah.  I'm playing this status game, aren't I?  I can't stand keeping up with the Joneses BS, so I hope the stroller is the only thing that sniffs like it.  We were walking away from the store and she pointed out a couple on the opposite sidewalk with an Orbit, FML.

At this rate, I'll need a vodka bottle holder. Did anyone see this stuff?  Pretty cool, I want the baby monitor that integrates with the iPhone...


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