Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Didn't make it over to googley blogger yesterday because I took last Friday off and needed to catch up on work. 

The camping trip was great, we stay next to a beautiful river and fish and my buddy and I had bought all the food for the trip and made some pretty great meals.  The mountain biking was brutal, I rented a plush downhill bike and was definitely riding faster than my ability.  As a result, I fell about three times, one of which was probably the worst fall I've ever had.  I went over the handle bars and landed on my left forearm, and then rolled onto my back and skipped about 15 feet over jagged rocks on my back before slamming into a rock with my helmet. Yeah, it felt spectacular.  On another fall, I basically hit a log with my left shin and then slammed the bike frame against the other side of it with all my weight, it's a miracle I didn't just snap the bone but its pretty banged up. 

Oh well, I went into crossfit yesterday and gutted out a tough workout, so it felt good to get back in there. 

Wife wasn't feeling so well, she woke up yesterday morning and threw up and basically phoned it in for the rest of the day.  Not even pretend to work from home, just off the reservation style.  It's kind of the same story repeated daily, some days are better than others.  Allegedly, she should be feeling better soon as we move into the second trimester.  She has a doctor appointment this morning, so it will be interesting to see how that conversation goes.  Has she even picked up the prescription the doctor gave her last time for a combination vitamin b and ginger pill to fight nausea?  Nope.

We did go into see the ultrasound last week and they did some 3d imaging while we were there.  It was take your breath away cool, the technology they have now to do this stuff is absolutely incredible.  While we were watching the little baby was rocking out with two hands over his/her head and kicking away.  The doctor came in and pointed out the ten fingers, strong heart beating and brain developing in the head.  The measurements for the various chromosome issues were great too, it went really well.  I can't wait until that fear is behind us, it's just so heavy to think about.  Wife tried to pin me down last night on what we would do if something was wrong, I just didn't even want to go there until we have to.  I think I know in my heart, but Jesus. 

Nothing else new going on.  My in laws were over this weekend and moved a bunch of furniture around and then bought us a crib, which I'm extremely grateful for. 

Just got the morning text with an exclamation point, so she must be feeling stronger today.  It'll be interesting to see how her boss reacts to her bailing yesterday and then either leaving early or coming in late today - I'll keep you posted. 

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