Thursday, October 25, 2012

Busy busy busy

Not much going on these days besides Wife's tummy getting bigger and bigger.  She had a doctor's appointment yesterday which I did not attend, and guess what?  She wasn't seen for an hour and 15 minutes after the appointment time.  F'ing outrageous, I tell you. 

Everything is good, but the doctor sent her to a specialist this morning to get an echocardiogram because she feinted on BART a few weeks back.  Naturally, it took so long that she decided not to come in to work today and is currently home taking a nap.  Pretty awesome, no?  She also has to wear a monitor on her chest to measure her heart strength for a day or two.

I am actually taking tomorrow off and will probably follow suit.  I have a doctor appointment in the morning and a vet appointment in the afternoon and in between plan on working out and ... oh... nothing!  My appointment in the morning isn't any big deal, I just need a physical and want her to check out my knee, which has been bothering me since my crash in Downieville.  My dog is also great, she just needs her annual check up where I am inevitably shamed over her weight :(

Other than that, Wife is doing a garage sale with her family this weekend, and I plan on staying as clear from the shit show as I possibly can.  I am going to try to sell a TV though, so we'll see how it goes. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The latest and greates

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while, no real reason other than I was slowly accumulating news, I suppose.  We had dinner with the in-laws last night to say goodbye to my BIL, who is moving to Manhattan with three suitcases to his name.  After two attempts at making it in LA, he's off to the Big Apple.  I hope it works out well, because he's 30 now and hasn't really held a full time job since I've been on the scene, and NY is pretty unforgiving as far as cities go. 

So, the news last night was the Wife's older sister is pregnant with her second as well, about three months behind us.  It'll be interesting to see how that changes the dynamic with Wife and her sister and parents.  Wife and her sister have had a testy relationship their whole lives, but so far, so good.

The other major thing we've been working on is trying to nail down the plan as far as Wife's maternity leave, child care, benefits while she's out, etc.  Honestly, when you start talking about short term disability and family leave time, my eyes just glaze over.  The good news is that she is going to get paid, although it may be at 60% of her salary (or less), for 6 weeks, and she will get full medical benefits throughout.  That's good news because the cost to her for benefits is about 25% of mine before taxes.  She pays $59 a month, while I pay $109 per paycheck, or $218 a month.

The bad news is, her company only gives two weeks vacation and she has to accrue it before she can use it.  She calculated out that she will have 6 days accrued by the time the baby is due.  It's kind of shocking for me, as I have something like 5 or 6 weeks a year.  I honestly don't know because I have so much I can't possibly use it all.  After our three week honeymoon this year, I still have 3.5 weeks.  Plus floaters and sick days and all that.  Realistically, I should have this baby.  Just kidding, hell no. 

I've said before that my wife is the most beautiful woman in the world, and I was definitely reminded of it this morning when I met her for a quick kiss. She dresses so well, and had on an orange sweater that looked like she had a tiny little pumpkin belly. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Two swords!

So after a day of anxiety and stress, we went in yesterday for the ultra sound and the baby is a boy!  I was really happy, but I think Wife took the whole thing a little harder than I expected her to.  She definitely had some tears in her eyes during the meeting and then seemed down the rest of the evening.  I brought home some flowers and mac and cheese after the gym, and even that didn't seem to snap her out of it.

I totally get it.  I think we all get this vision of how our life and our child is going to be and then it can be a little upsetting when that dream is shattered.  I honestly was expecting it to be a little girl, so I'm even a little taken aback and reconfiguring my expectations.  While we were sitting there in the ultra sound room, I started thinking about teaching him how to open doors for women and telling his Mom how beautiful she is, like my Dad did with me. 

I'd always figured I'd be dropping off little girls in tutus for dance practice and watching football out in the garage, so its all still a shock.  I think you get the get the child you need though, and my wife has been a princess her whole life and basically lives a paranoid life, so a little boy is going to completely change her.  I think I've said it before, they always say that men that are partiers and womanizers "deserve" to have little girls, so my wife would be exact opposite of that. 

I just got her morning text and it looks like she's still down, so hopefully she'll snap out of it quickly.  We're going to be around her family all weekend and are supposed to do the gender reveal party on Monday, so we'll see how that goes.  If she doesn't snap out of it, there's no way she'll be able to keep it from her Mom all weekend - her Mom was already texting last night and trying to snoop around. 

My biggest fear is that this whole thing will somehow change her excitement and enthusiasm for this baby.  And I can tell the reason I feel that way is because it has totally amped mine up.  We already have a name picked out, getting to teach him about sports and working on cars and fishing are all out there. 

I know Wife had color schemes picked out for the nursery and visions of giant poofy ugly dresses though, so hopefully this is just a temporary thing.  Her friends ALL have boys though, so I think once she's able to talk to them she'll feel a lot better. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

T-2 on He or She?

Happy Indigenous People's Day!  Hopefully, you aren't sitting at work while everyone else is at home like me...

Had kind of a fun weekend, but not too much going on.  We are converting the guest room, which is next to our bedroom, into the nursery though, so work has begun on that project.  So far that means, taking down the art and packing up some stuff and converting our old office into a sort of office/guest bedroom.  It's going to be tough trying to fit all the things we had in the front and back bedroom together, so this has spurred all sorts of boxing up clothes and stuff we don't need for a garage sale Wife and her moms are planning to have. 

A big part of the sale is going to be all the detail work Wife had gotten for our wedding this summer.  We have boxes of mason jars and storm lanterns and sandals and god knows whatever trinkets sitting boxed up in our garage.  I cannot wait until it is all gone, this sale cannot come soon enough.  I've moved three times in three years and we just had a sale last year, so I don't exactly have a ton of stuff to offer up this time around. 

The only other development was Wife went to a flea market in Alameda to pick over the furniture and try to find a dresser.  We made a decision not to buy a changing table with the pad on top and get a dresser instead, which we plan on painting and adding a bed to change the baby ourselves, so that after the baby has grown a little, we can still use the dresser.  Any way, Wife found a really fantastic one, really well made with great drawers and a solid back with real wood as opposed to particle board.  She also found a bassinet which was quite a steal, we just need to paint it and get a mattress to go inside.  So we're down to a couple of items so far, hopefully which can wait a while so we can reload on funds.

Other than that, I went to lunch with three of my friends on Saturday and finally got a chance to tell them.  It was pretty funny because two of them had brought their kids, and the "Are you sure you want this?" question was definitely asked during a snot filled breakdown because the menu did not have grilled cheese.  It actually was fun eating with the kids though, because in a way, it made me feel like if those guys can do it, I'll be great. 

By the way, when we sat down the waitress had total attitude, and then the kids pulled up and she just mushed right up.  It's amazing the way people respond to kids.

Oh, and my brother in law got a dog this weekend while his wife was out of town.  How's that for a ballsy move?  They have a 2 year old, so we went over to see how they were getting along.  The dog was a rescue and was super well mannered with the toddler, but toddler clearly needs to warm up to the idea of having a big animal in her house.  We'll have to keep an eye on how this develops, sister in law gets back today!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Thanks Mom!

So yesterday Wife and I were emailing back and forth about finding out the sex of the baby.  We'd briefly spoken about doing the whole thing where the ultrasound tech writes down the sex of the baby and then we give it to a family member and then cut into a cake or open a box and everyone finds out the sex, but I just felt that it is kind of a private moment I would like to have with her.  I also want to have a medical person there pointing to it in 3D or HD or whatever, so there is no room for error. 

She actually was feeling the exact same way, so we decided to find out ourselves, and then do some kind of reveal for our families.  Wife runs with it, dates are set up, etc.

So I email my Mom to invite her and my Dad to the reveal.  Keep in mind that my parents have become total homebodies and don't go out and do anything with anyone any more, and I'm also paraphrasing:

"Hi Mom, Wife and I are finding out the sex of the baby on 6/10 and wanted to know if you wanted to come over to Wife's parents house on 10/15 to find out?  We'll probably do cake and possibly dinner."

"I don't think you should find out"  Note she didn't even use a period. 

"Ha, well we're going to find out at some point, and at least this way we can buy clothes and paint things in the appropriate color schemes. So, are you boycotting the 15th?"

"Yes. Have fun."

Now, I could care less but Wife is super sensitive when it comes to interactions with my Mom.  Emails like that with Wife would easily lead to a crying talk about feelings, so thank god I was the one sending the emails.  Still, as I walked over to meet Wife this morning, I could feel the anxiety building and knew I wouldn't be able to hide my disappointment/frustration, whatever. 

I actually lasted about 10 minutes before she asked what was up, and I told her all about it.  I could tell she was hurt, and tears started to well up, but she did a good job of saying she was sad for me.  The next event up is Thanksgiving, her parents want to invite my parents over and I absolutely know that they'll make up an excuse not to come.  Oh well, it's out of my control so I just need to let it go. 

Also, told my boss today and she was over the moon excited, it was very cool.  She even offered me two weeks off to stay home with the baby!  That was my plan anyway, so great! 

Not much else going on right now, I took Monday off from the gym and had to go to the dentist last night, so I need to get over there today.  The dentist was fine, I'm not dying and don't need thousands of dollars of work, so all is well.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Ahhh, SF in the fall...

And it is 80 degrees outside.  Everything they say about the weather here is astonishingly correct - October is summer here. It got me thinking about how I'd recently read about the female feeling warmer as circulation changes during pregnancy.  That would be fabulous as I am hot blooded and always hot and Wife is, naturally, always cold.

This past weekend wasn't anything too exciting, although we did go to a sale because the strollers we were looking at were all 15% off and apparently these things never go on sale. We got a black UpaBaby Vista, in case anyone's interested.  I can't wait to put spinners on it! But for now, it will sit in the cold, lonely garage until next month.  Ha, the saleswomen were amazed we were shopping so early in the process, since Wife barely had a little pooch showing in the dress she was wearing.

We also went to a picnic and ran into one of my single buddies from SF way out in Suburbia.  Yeah, I got to tell another friend!  He was great about being excited and all, but keep in mind this guy has been single and living in the Marina in SF since he graduated from college.  He would make a great dad, but if you are not from the Bay Area, there's a reason guys live in the Marina and it is not to settle down. 

We had an interesting conversation with another couple about wanting to find out about the sex of the baby.  As I've said before, I'm all about it but Wife started out completely against and now is slowly coming around to my side.  Anyway, the other woman asked me what my reason for wanting to find out was, to which I replied, "Why would you not want to find out, if you can, so you can plan and paint and get clothes with the baby's sex in mind."  She then went on to tell me how her husband wanted to find out early because he was worried it would be a girl and he'd be disappointed in the delivery room.  Seriously?  I get that people think that way, but I can't imagine ever vocalizing that to my wife. 

I have actually gone out of the way to make sure I don't openly prefer one sex to the other, it just seems like setting yourself up if you do so. 

I brought all of this up because we can find out any time now, for $65.  We're trying to hold out a few more weeks until the 20 week ultrasound though, so we'll see how that turns out.