Monday, October 1, 2012

Ahhh, SF in the fall...

And it is 80 degrees outside.  Everything they say about the weather here is astonishingly correct - October is summer here. It got me thinking about how I'd recently read about the female feeling warmer as circulation changes during pregnancy.  That would be fabulous as I am hot blooded and always hot and Wife is, naturally, always cold.

This past weekend wasn't anything too exciting, although we did go to a sale because the strollers we were looking at were all 15% off and apparently these things never go on sale. We got a black UpaBaby Vista, in case anyone's interested.  I can't wait to put spinners on it! But for now, it will sit in the cold, lonely garage until next month.  Ha, the saleswomen were amazed we were shopping so early in the process, since Wife barely had a little pooch showing in the dress she was wearing.

We also went to a picnic and ran into one of my single buddies from SF way out in Suburbia.  Yeah, I got to tell another friend!  He was great about being excited and all, but keep in mind this guy has been single and living in the Marina in SF since he graduated from college.  He would make a great dad, but if you are not from the Bay Area, there's a reason guys live in the Marina and it is not to settle down. 

We had an interesting conversation with another couple about wanting to find out about the sex of the baby.  As I've said before, I'm all about it but Wife started out completely against and now is slowly coming around to my side.  Anyway, the other woman asked me what my reason for wanting to find out was, to which I replied, "Why would you not want to find out, if you can, so you can plan and paint and get clothes with the baby's sex in mind."  She then went on to tell me how her husband wanted to find out early because he was worried it would be a girl and he'd be disappointed in the delivery room.  Seriously?  I get that people think that way, but I can't imagine ever vocalizing that to my wife. 

I have actually gone out of the way to make sure I don't openly prefer one sex to the other, it just seems like setting yourself up if you do so. 

I brought all of this up because we can find out any time now, for $65.  We're trying to hold out a few more weeks until the 20 week ultrasound though, so we'll see how that turns out.  

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