Monday, October 8, 2012

T-2 on He or She?

Happy Indigenous People's Day!  Hopefully, you aren't sitting at work while everyone else is at home like me...

Had kind of a fun weekend, but not too much going on.  We are converting the guest room, which is next to our bedroom, into the nursery though, so work has begun on that project.  So far that means, taking down the art and packing up some stuff and converting our old office into a sort of office/guest bedroom.  It's going to be tough trying to fit all the things we had in the front and back bedroom together, so this has spurred all sorts of boxing up clothes and stuff we don't need for a garage sale Wife and her moms are planning to have. 

A big part of the sale is going to be all the detail work Wife had gotten for our wedding this summer.  We have boxes of mason jars and storm lanterns and sandals and god knows whatever trinkets sitting boxed up in our garage.  I cannot wait until it is all gone, this sale cannot come soon enough.  I've moved three times in three years and we just had a sale last year, so I don't exactly have a ton of stuff to offer up this time around. 

The only other development was Wife went to a flea market in Alameda to pick over the furniture and try to find a dresser.  We made a decision not to buy a changing table with the pad on top and get a dresser instead, which we plan on painting and adding a bed to change the baby ourselves, so that after the baby has grown a little, we can still use the dresser.  Any way, Wife found a really fantastic one, really well made with great drawers and a solid back with real wood as opposed to particle board.  She also found a bassinet which was quite a steal, we just need to paint it and get a mattress to go inside.  So we're down to a couple of items so far, hopefully which can wait a while so we can reload on funds.

Other than that, I went to lunch with three of my friends on Saturday and finally got a chance to tell them.  It was pretty funny because two of them had brought their kids, and the "Are you sure you want this?" question was definitely asked during a snot filled breakdown because the menu did not have grilled cheese.  It actually was fun eating with the kids though, because in a way, it made me feel like if those guys can do it, I'll be great. 

By the way, when we sat down the waitress had total attitude, and then the kids pulled up and she just mushed right up.  It's amazing the way people respond to kids.

Oh, and my brother in law got a dog this weekend while his wife was out of town.  How's that for a ballsy move?  They have a 2 year old, so we went over to see how they were getting along.  The dog was a rescue and was super well mannered with the toddler, but toddler clearly needs to warm up to the idea of having a big animal in her house.  We'll have to keep an eye on how this develops, sister in law gets back today!

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