Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Thanks Mom!

So yesterday Wife and I were emailing back and forth about finding out the sex of the baby.  We'd briefly spoken about doing the whole thing where the ultrasound tech writes down the sex of the baby and then we give it to a family member and then cut into a cake or open a box and everyone finds out the sex, but I just felt that it is kind of a private moment I would like to have with her.  I also want to have a medical person there pointing to it in 3D or HD or whatever, so there is no room for error. 

She actually was feeling the exact same way, so we decided to find out ourselves, and then do some kind of reveal for our families.  Wife runs with it, dates are set up, etc.

So I email my Mom to invite her and my Dad to the reveal.  Keep in mind that my parents have become total homebodies and don't go out and do anything with anyone any more, and I'm also paraphrasing:

"Hi Mom, Wife and I are finding out the sex of the baby on 6/10 and wanted to know if you wanted to come over to Wife's parents house on 10/15 to find out?  We'll probably do cake and possibly dinner."

"I don't think you should find out"  Note she didn't even use a period. 

"Ha, well we're going to find out at some point, and at least this way we can buy clothes and paint things in the appropriate color schemes. So, are you boycotting the 15th?"

"Yes. Have fun."

Now, I could care less but Wife is super sensitive when it comes to interactions with my Mom.  Emails like that with Wife would easily lead to a crying talk about feelings, so thank god I was the one sending the emails.  Still, as I walked over to meet Wife this morning, I could feel the anxiety building and knew I wouldn't be able to hide my disappointment/frustration, whatever. 

I actually lasted about 10 minutes before she asked what was up, and I told her all about it.  I could tell she was hurt, and tears started to well up, but she did a good job of saying she was sad for me.  The next event up is Thanksgiving, her parents want to invite my parents over and I absolutely know that they'll make up an excuse not to come.  Oh well, it's out of my control so I just need to let it go. 

Also, told my boss today and she was over the moon excited, it was very cool.  She even offered me two weeks off to stay home with the baby!  That was my plan anyway, so great! 

Not much else going on right now, I took Monday off from the gym and had to go to the dentist last night, so I need to get over there today.  The dentist was fine, I'm not dying and don't need thousands of dollars of work, so all is well.

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