Thursday, October 11, 2012

Two swords!

So after a day of anxiety and stress, we went in yesterday for the ultra sound and the baby is a boy!  I was really happy, but I think Wife took the whole thing a little harder than I expected her to.  She definitely had some tears in her eyes during the meeting and then seemed down the rest of the evening.  I brought home some flowers and mac and cheese after the gym, and even that didn't seem to snap her out of it.

I totally get it.  I think we all get this vision of how our life and our child is going to be and then it can be a little upsetting when that dream is shattered.  I honestly was expecting it to be a little girl, so I'm even a little taken aback and reconfiguring my expectations.  While we were sitting there in the ultra sound room, I started thinking about teaching him how to open doors for women and telling his Mom how beautiful she is, like my Dad did with me. 

I'd always figured I'd be dropping off little girls in tutus for dance practice and watching football out in the garage, so its all still a shock.  I think you get the get the child you need though, and my wife has been a princess her whole life and basically lives a paranoid life, so a little boy is going to completely change her.  I think I've said it before, they always say that men that are partiers and womanizers "deserve" to have little girls, so my wife would be exact opposite of that. 

I just got her morning text and it looks like she's still down, so hopefully she'll snap out of it quickly.  We're going to be around her family all weekend and are supposed to do the gender reveal party on Monday, so we'll see how that goes.  If she doesn't snap out of it, there's no way she'll be able to keep it from her Mom all weekend - her Mom was already texting last night and trying to snoop around. 

My biggest fear is that this whole thing will somehow change her excitement and enthusiasm for this baby.  And I can tell the reason I feel that way is because it has totally amped mine up.  We already have a name picked out, getting to teach him about sports and working on cars and fishing are all out there. 

I know Wife had color schemes picked out for the nursery and visions of giant poofy ugly dresses though, so hopefully this is just a temporary thing.  Her friends ALL have boys though, so I think once she's able to talk to them she'll feel a lot better. 

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