Thursday, October 18, 2012

The latest and greates

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while, no real reason other than I was slowly accumulating news, I suppose.  We had dinner with the in-laws last night to say goodbye to my BIL, who is moving to Manhattan with three suitcases to his name.  After two attempts at making it in LA, he's off to the Big Apple.  I hope it works out well, because he's 30 now and hasn't really held a full time job since I've been on the scene, and NY is pretty unforgiving as far as cities go. 

So, the news last night was the Wife's older sister is pregnant with her second as well, about three months behind us.  It'll be interesting to see how that changes the dynamic with Wife and her sister and parents.  Wife and her sister have had a testy relationship their whole lives, but so far, so good.

The other major thing we've been working on is trying to nail down the plan as far as Wife's maternity leave, child care, benefits while she's out, etc.  Honestly, when you start talking about short term disability and family leave time, my eyes just glaze over.  The good news is that she is going to get paid, although it may be at 60% of her salary (or less), for 6 weeks, and she will get full medical benefits throughout.  That's good news because the cost to her for benefits is about 25% of mine before taxes.  She pays $59 a month, while I pay $109 per paycheck, or $218 a month.

The bad news is, her company only gives two weeks vacation and she has to accrue it before she can use it.  She calculated out that she will have 6 days accrued by the time the baby is due.  It's kind of shocking for me, as I have something like 5 or 6 weeks a year.  I honestly don't know because I have so much I can't possibly use it all.  After our three week honeymoon this year, I still have 3.5 weeks.  Plus floaters and sick days and all that.  Realistically, I should have this baby.  Just kidding, hell no. 

I've said before that my wife is the most beautiful woman in the world, and I was definitely reminded of it this morning when I met her for a quick kiss. She dresses so well, and had on an orange sweater that looked like she had a tiny little pumpkin belly. 

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