Wednesday, August 22, 2012


So yesterday at work, Wife's best friend told her she can't hide it any more and she is 6 or 7 weeks pregnant ( I forget).  This is the same friend who got engaged a week before us, married a month and a half after us and whom works with my wife.  All Wife's plans of telling her friends and having a little moment of happiness at work or whatever just went flying out the window.

Not to mention, she's been toughing out a few weeks of morning sickness and we haven't told a soul and the friend just blabbed about it on IM.  Wife breaks down, goes in and tells her boss (since they will both be on maternity leave at the same time) and leaves for the day one unhappy camper. 

She goes to her parents house, and fills them and her brother (recently moved back home) in.  I get all kinds of congratulatory texts and send one to my wife, "Guess we're telling people today!" Ha. 

Any way, went to crossfit after work and had a horrible workout on a benchmark program, felt like vomiting and irate afterward.  It's the worst time I've ever put up for that workout since I started crossfit.  Too much time away and travelling.  Time to buckle down.

After that, I met Wife over at her parents and her sister had just gotten there with our 2 year old niece.  She said all the right things but was decidedly cool and decided to leave early.  It was pretty transparent, I'm not sure if she is jealous of the attention, or because her daughter won't be the only grandchild any more or what, but she is such a pain in the ass.  She started questioning my wife on names and whether or not we would do the test for Down's Syndrome, just all kinds of personal stuff. 

So something to keep an eye on, she's a know it all type of person who thinks whatever she does is best.  We'll see how that plays out as things move along.

I need to figure out when to tell my parents as well.  I've been planning on waiting until 12 weeks all along, but this throws a little kink in the plan.  They say that if you tell someone before 12 weeks, you need to be prepared to tell them if something goes wrong.  I'd be fine with that, so I'm thinking about talking to my parents this weekend. 

Oh, and then wife barfed a couple of times this morning while she was getting ready for work.  It seems to be based on her taking her prenatal vitamins, so we'll keep an eye on that. 

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