Monday, August 27, 2012

False start

So the wife and I both left work early on Friday so that we could go to the gyno/vagina doctor together and listen to the heartbeat and experience the magic of our Mars Bar of life.  Total clusterfuck.  First of all, it was in area that I hate driving through (thus guaranteeing it will be where I buy a house) and way the hell out there.  Next, I walk in and all these women are joking around about how giant their wombs are whatever and they all get awkwardly quiet when I show up.  But the icing on the cake was when, after an hour of waiting where I forgot to bring a book, the doctor had to run out and deliver a baby.

They sent us home.  After taking half days from work!  Is that the business model?  Can't a nurse hold the microphone up to your stomach and answer questions about the different types of screenings and test?  For god's sakes.

It wasn't that big of a deal though because they can fit us back in at Tuesday evening and I got to go workout early, I just like to be dramatic. 

What else happened?  Oh, I went mountain biking with my friend, who has a... (shit, let me check my phone) let's call it 8 month old baby.  Anyway, the ride was great, and we were talking about the whole issue with having kids immunized these days and the risks.  Scary stuff, things I hadn't even thought about and considered before.  He said kids get twice as many shots now than they had in the past, and all of these shots have things like aluminum, formaldehyde, whatever in them.  Some of the things: chicken pocks and tetanus, do you even need to be immunized for that?  Can't you just deal with it when it comes up rather than expose your child to something where the side effect might be... oh, autism? 

I don't know.  This was all based on our conversation and I haven't buckled down and down the reading/research myself yet, so that will be interesting. It can be a little overwhelming, can't it?  I need to read something on sleep training as well, that's a must read before the end of March...

We also told my parents yesterday.  I was a little anxious about it because I had just heard my mom tell my brother and his new wife to wait before having kids... but my brother is also not working, so I was hoping that was why.  Anyway, it went really well, my mom jumped up and gave Wife a hug and told her how happy she was and we talked about due dates and how we'd been hiding it at a couple of family events.  Best case scenario, really.  I don't know why I worry so much about telling my parents about things like this and when I was engaged, I guess I just always have a need to anticipate the worst and they never let me down.

I'll need to work on that, I suppose.  

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