Thursday, August 23, 2012

Nerping the leedle

Nothing much to report today.  No drama and no throwing up, thank god.  We have a big day tomorrow as we are going into see the doctor together, I'm really not sure what it will be about - I don't think she is due for a sonogram but maybe they'll listen to the heartbeat?  I'm really looking forward to it, should help make it seem a little more real than my beautiful wife getting a little bit softer in the middle. 

She jokingly told me I'm supposed to be gaining weight out of solidarity yesterday, never going to happen!  My eating has been really good this week and I've hit 3 days at the gym in a row.  Today is an off day so I am going to get some yard work done when I get home and then have an adult beverage and catch up on Hard Knocks while she's in the city getting her hair did.

She is scheduled to go on a business trip next week, so I'm kind of interested to see if things still happen according to plan now that she's disclosed her pregnancy early to her boss.  So far the boss lady has been nothing but great, but we'll see how it plays out.  Her company is purchasing one or two other companies in the next month or so, and she was anticipating getting a promotion.  Hopefully, that will still be the case as she tipped the hand a little early.

Oh, and the neener neener is not purple :/

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