Tuesday, August 21, 2012

If you read this... you might get pregnant.

Sorry I've been an absentee upcoming baby daddy, flew out last week to attend my brother's wedding in Michigan for which I was the best man.  It was quite a shin dig, and I'm so glad it all went well and is behind me. 

I think I've mentioned it before, but I had to give the toast and it has been hanging over my head all summer like the hangman's noose.  I hate public speaking, which sucks because I'm actually really good at it.  I get crushed by anxiety and adrenaline and my voice cracks, it is horrible. So I told my brother about it and he gave me a beta blocker and an adavan (sp?) and told me to take it 45 minutes before the toast. 

And then I went up there and completely nailed it.  I don't know how we can get our hands on that stuff, but I swear to god it is a miracle.  I was near panic leading up to the toast, and then... it was fine, my voice was strong, everyone laughed at all my jokes.  Afterward, at least twenty people told me it was the best best man's speech they had ever heard and one guy with a nose ring told me it was inspiring. 

All I can think about is the occasional client presentations I have to give, need to look this stuff up.

So at the wedding, it seemed like everybody was pregnant.  Two bridesmaids, including one who whispered that she was 10 weeks (two weeks ahead of us) and some people in the crowd.  It's one of those situations where you think its just you and then realize, everybody has either done this, is doing it or will do it. 

Between that and my wife's best friend and coworker calling in sick and conspicuously saying she's waiting for the Aspirin to kick in (pregnant women can't take ibuprofen), I think she feels a little less special.  But then we realize its our baby and part of us and how cool that is.

Funny moment of the trip was when I was reading about what to expect in weeks 7-10 on my Kindle with her during the flight back.  We read a blurb about how increased blood flow is going to turn her neener neener purple and she was horrified while I was laughing my ass off.  I guess I'll need to check that out soon. 

Anyway, great to be back.  Great to be sleeping in my own bed and be back to see the dogs. 

I ran once while we were there and did some heavy front squats yesterday but I really need to get back in a groove.  My eating has been shit, so that's my focus for this week.  Here's a picture of the 2011 and 2012 crossfit games champ front squatting the hell out of something.

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