Friday, August 31, 2012

Boost me out of here!

Wow, there is no one around today, the day before the long labor day weekend.  I'm literally counting down the minutes until they cut us loose.  I have a great job, that I love, and one of the best things is that they basically let us all go at 1-2 the day before a holiday. 

Nothing new to report on the baby front, Wife was feeling great all day yesterday.  I met her for lunch at one of her favorite spots down here in the Financial District and she ate almost everything on her plate, which never happens.  So I went shopping after crossfit and picked up a filet mignon and some things for a salad for us, but she wasn't the least bit hungry.  That seems to be the pattern, she'll be starving and over do it at one meal and then just not be hungry at all for dinner.

I told her a while back that I would make her some spaghetti with meat sauce, salad and garlic bread for dinner tonight, but the CEO of her company brought in BBQ for lunch today.  She loves BBQ, so I have a feeling I'm going to do all this shopping and then find out she isn't hungry at all.  Oh well, all I can do is try.

Great day at the gym yesterday, finally.  We did squats and a little metabolic conditioning and I finally performed up to what I expect of myself.  A friend of mine from high school was there too and we lifted together, and he told me he is taking off from his bank and starting his own hedge fund later this fall.  Could be something to keep an eye on as an opportunity, I really want to make some more money and get us into a house, if possible. 

Gotta run and get out of here, have a great long weekend.

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